Celtic Society of St. James
Welcome to the
Celtic Society of St. James
Maintaining Membership in
Province of The South Central - USA of
Celtic Teachings Through The Ages
The Societies of St. James and St. John are places where like-minded folks discover the roots of their Irish-Anglo Celtic history and ancient Christianity by exploring what early Celts believed, including aspects of the "old" ways, as well as how they practiced their ancient faith and developed a spirituality that has caught the attention of modern Christianity. You are more than welcome to join us in this journey to find the roots of the Irish-Anglo Celtic Faith. The Celtic Faith before the Celts was forced by the Romans to accept the Supremacy of Rome.
The Societies of St. James and St. John are composed of like-minded people sharing a common heritage and culture. The Societies of St. James and St. John are not a traditional church, but rather societies of like-minded individuals from all faith traditions seeking to find our Irish-Anglo Celtic roots, ancient beliefs, and spiritual connection to that history and tradition within the context of our faith communities (churches) without forming a new church. We have two traditional monastic bishops, who shall act as teaching elders within the Societies. Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction remains with our Communion Partners and the several churches that participate in these Societies. Apostolic Authority remains with our Communion Partners and the several churches who participate in these Societies. The Anglo-Methodist Ecclesia is our "Ecclesiolae in Ecclesia, Latin meaning: 'little churches within the church."
Celtic high cross in Ireland
The only request the Societies of St. James and St. John make is that you acknowledge the three historic Creeds of the Universal Church: The Apostles Creed, The Nicene Creed, and the Athanasian Creed. If you come from an Anglican tradition there are Thirty-Nine Articles of Religion in some form that we seek as a foundation of faith, as well. We aff...
St. James, brother of Jesus
By tradition and history, the Celts are acknowledged as the first Christian community outside the Holy Land. Since Celtic Christianity was established before the First Century it is classified as pre-Nicene. The wandering elders (clergy) of the earliest communities were loosely organized and served the many and varied Celtic tribes throughout Europe and the Middle East that had accepted a common form of the Christian Faith.
The Celts were a people formed as tribal societies united by family, language, and faith. Celtic Christianity is believed to have been formed about 37 CE and was always autonomous, never serving any head of state, king, pontiff, or patriarch. These faith communities and societies spread throughout the Roman Empire.
Traditional Celtic Christianity was passed on orally until the Fourth Century when the Celts began to adopt Latin as their formal means of written communications. During the Third and Fourth Centuries, the Celtic monks founded and operated abbeys throughout Europe and the British Isles, including Ireland. These monks were never well organized and operated as wandering missionaries who played a critical role in both maintaining and establishing Christianity during the Dark and Middle Ages.
The establishment of the Anglo-Methodist Ecclesia brings these two Societies together under one administrative and teaching authority within the One, Holy, Universal, and Apostolic Church. The Anglo-Methodist Ecclesia maintains Apostolic Succession in both Anglican Lines and Irish Lines dating back to the early Apostles and maintained through the laying on of hands from the Apostolic Age through today.